The previous 2 iPhone articles discussed user interface, DRM, activiation, pricing & plans, AT&T's data network, battery life and GSM/SIM.
So where does that leaves us going forward with this device?
As of now, Apple is a:
- software/hardware, cell phone, portable music player, desktop/laptop manufacturer
- retail outlet - both brick&mortar and internet
- content provider
- network owner, distributor
That's not only very impressive - its also a little scary.
Now imagine the following hypothetical:
- More and more cell phones become WiFi capable.
- More and more urban centers implement "city-wide" WiFi service.
- The use of VOIP and instant messaging becomes a popular alternative to the traditional cell carrier services because VOIP calls are free or extremely cheap comparatively.
- Rogue cell phone manufacturers begin to build open-source Linux phones.
- Hundreds of cell phone applications are designed, which consumers can install into their individual phone - allowing their phone to become their internet browser, calendar, planner, camera, mp3 player, even their guitar tuner.
- Cell phone carriers scramble to prepare for the telecom revolution.
- ISPs like Comcast, search engines like Google and device/application designers like Apple get into telecom business for real.
Think this sounds crazy? Think again. 1 through 5 are already happening and 6 and 7 are just over the horizon in my view.