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June 27, 2007


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The real question is how far can technology go to protect creator rights? No matter what, people will find their way around these barriers.

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The authors of those works expended the labor, bought the copyrights to the work and without labor, there is no fundamental right in the work that's why in some good ways the law it's good about this.

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I think that this post is very good, i would like to read more information about this topic.

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What remarkable post! The real question is how far can technology go to protect creator rights? No matter what, people will find their way around these barriers.

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I think that the authors of those works expended the labor and did a great job.

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The authors of those works expended the labor, bought the copyrights to the work and without labor, there is no fundamental right in the work that's why in some good ways the law it's good about this.Good Luck


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This theory sounds interesting, but I think there are so many points not clear at all... When you're trying to convince somebody about an idology of a theory u must show valid arguments to defense what you're saying.

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