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May 01, 2007



Great post, very informative. Two questions:
1) Are there tax advantages to an s-corp vs. a partnership? I've heard that s-corps don't have to pay employer tax.

2) What if people want to "invest" in the band? I understand that LLCs have a two-tiered set-up where some people can be investors and others can be managers, unlike an s-corp, which just has one class of shares. But would an s-corp simply be able to make a contract with investors specifying who the managers are and so on, or would an investment in an s-corp automatically imply an ownership and management interest in the company?

Thanks so much for this.

Ruben Cardos

Very informative and necessary to know.

Although that's one way to scare a beginner band out of shooting for the big time!

...just kidding!

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This is funny because everyone talks about this and no one cares.. it's bizarre in some ways, everyone download free music from the web everyday, but no one talks about politics or corruption, which is more bizarre ...

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I think that this post is very good, i would like to read more information about this topic.

donne russe

I searched for this theme! But would an s-corp simply be able to make a contract with investors specifying who the managers are and so on, or would an investment in an s-corp automatically imply an ownership and management interest in the company?


What are the legal implications of posting your music to MySpace or another website that allows users to listen to it and you have not contracts with any one else for your music? I understand it should be copy righted first and I understand about someone maybe stealing it for a commercial or something. What I am not clear on is is ASCAAP or someone else considers it broadcasting and requires fees to be paid by the website hosting it?

Rebecca Hall

As creative as musicians are, it is often necessary to look outside the band for certain services. An obvious example of this would be engaging a producer for a recording session. And let’s not forget the friend of the drummer who designs posters, album covers and websites for the band. The legal implications of these relationships are significant, although highly overlooked.

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All agreements between the band and webmasters, advertisers, purchasers and/or users should clearly specify the law and jurisdiction that will apply to any action resulting from the site.

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What remarkable post! This is funny because everyone talks about this and no one cares.. it's bizarre in some ways, everyone download free music from the web everyday, but no one talks about politics or corruption, which is more bizarre ...

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This is funny because everyone talks about this and no one cares.. it's bizarre in some ways, everyone download free music from the web everyday, but no one talks about politics or corruption, which is more bizarre ..

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